Dentist in Nottingham
32 Market Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HW

- General Dentistry
- Preventative Dentistry
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- Orthodontics
Preventative Dentistry » Dental Hygiene
Dental hygiene treatment includes professionally cleaning the teeth for the patient. This is usually called scaling and polishing. However, perhaps our most important role is showing the patient the best way to keep the teeth free of plaque.
The dentist also plays an important role in treating gum disease.
Dental Hygiene Treatment
Root planing and scaling
When present, periodontal disease is usually more severe towards the back of the mouth and between teeth–areas that are difficult to keep clean and free from plaque.
Depending on the severity of the disease and depth of your periodontal pockets, we may recommend between one to four appointments for root planing and scaling to help prevent tooth movement and tooth loss.
Root planing is a cleaning procedure which cleans bacteria and scale from the roots of your teeth. The tooth’s root surfaces are then smoothed to allow the gum tissue to heal and reattach to the tooth.
Once the root planing and scaling treatment is complete we will check how your gums have healed and responded to the treatment. If pockets persist, additional treatment may be needed
Treatment for stained teeth
For tough stains we offer “air abrasion” which will leave your teeth sparkling clean and bright. A special fine powder is blasted onto your teeth, gently ‘blowing away’ any staining on and between your teeth, leaving your teeth feeling lovely.
Antibacterial treatment
As well as scaling and root planning, our hygienist may insert antibiotics or antiseptics into the periodontal pocket.
Periochip is a small thin wafer of Chlorhexidine which fights bacteria for a period of seven to ten days and reduces the depth of periodontal pockets. Additional treatments may be required every 3-6 months after the initial treatment.